Slovensko društvo za Simulacijo in Modeliranje je organiziralo posebno izdajo v reviji Simulation Notes Europe z naslovom “Modelling and Simulation in Modern Control Engineering“, Vol. 26, No. 4.
Prispevke so pripravili:
- Š. Korečko, B. Sobota, P. Zemianek – Jadex/JBdiEmo Emotional Agents in Games with Purpose: a Feasibility Demonstration
- D. Dovžan, V. Logar, I. Škrjanc – Evolving Fuzzy Model (eFuMo) Method for On-line Fuzzy Model Learning with Application to Monitoring
- P. Boškoski, B. Dolenc, B. Musizza, Đ. Juričić – Model-based Prediction of the Remaining Useful Life of the Machines
- M. Corn, M. Atanasijević-Kunc – AMEBA – Evolutionary Computation Method: Comparison and Toolbox Development
- M. Golob – Modelling and Simulation of GMA Welding Process and Welding Power Sources
- D. J. Murray-Smith – Inverse Simulation Methods Applied to Investigations of Actuator Nonlinearities in Ship Steering
- T. Björkqvist, O. Suominen, M. Vilkko, M. Korpi – Conversion of Iterative Balance Models to Directly Calculating Explicit Models for Real-time Process Optimization and Scheduling
- V. Logar – Modelling of Indoor Lighting Conditions in Buildings for Control Design Purposes
Revija SNE je dostopna na naslovu: Posebna izdaja revije pa na naslovu: SNE special issue 26(4)