Kongres Eurosim 2016

Med 12. in 16. septembrom 2016 je potekal 9. kongres Eurosim, v Ouluju na Finskem. Člani društva so sodelovali na kongresu s 4 prispevki. Predsednik društva, doc. dr. Vito Logar je imel na kongresu vabljeno predavanje z naslovom: Modelling and simulation of the electric arc furnace processes.


Modelling and simulation of the electric arc furnace processes


Ever increasing demands on quality of the steel require advanced quality supervision and fault detection in operation of the electric arc furnaces (EAFs). The basis for supervision and fault detection in the steel recycling process is a model of the process. Based on the composition of the input materials, bath temperature and other additions, optimization of the process can be performed. By optimizing the control strategy, reduced energy consumption, increased productivity, reduced costs and higher steel quality can be achieved. The melting process is very complex and includes many different subprocesses (thermal, electrical, chemical, etc.), where the relations and interactions between them are not yet fully understood. Due to variability in input materials, lack of process measurements, complex and nonlinear dynamics between the process variables, modelling and simulation of the EAF processes is difficult. The presented developed model is based on fundamental physical laws and is validated on available EAF operational data. This assures its usability and versatility in optimization techniques and process control. The idea behind the comprehensive EAF model is to replicate the actual EAF state as accurate as possible, in order to estimate the unmeasured process values, such as bath temperature and composition, with sufficient accuracy. By this, the model can be used for advanced process control, EAF optimization and operator decision support, which all lead to reduced energy and raw material use as well as to more consistent EAF operation.

Date: 13. 6. 2016

Venue: Oulu city theatre, Oulu, Finland