V okviru društva je bilo 26. 2. 2016 na Institutu Jožef Stefan organizirano predavanje Uvod v magnetno vodenje tokamak plazme (Magnetic control of a tokamak plasma: an introduction), ki ga je pripravil Marco Ariola iz Univerze v Neaplju – Parthenope.
Magnetic control of a tokamak plasma: an introduction
In this lecture, the problems of position, current, and shape control of plasma in tokamak-type (toroidal) devices will be introduced. Modelling issues will be briefly discussed, and then the control problem will be described, beginning with the control of current and position and progressing to the more challenging shape control. The solutions proposed vary from simple PIDs to more sophisticated MIMO controllers. Eventually, the controller implemented at JET, the eXtreme Shape Controller, will be presented, along with a system, called Current Limit Avoidance, which has been implemented to address the problem of current saturations.
Marco Ariola was born in Naples, Italy in 1971. He graduated in Electronic Engineering with honors in 1995 at the University of Naples Federico II. He worked for the Italian Aerospace Research Centre from 1995 to 1996, as a researcher in the group of Flight Mechanics and Control. Then he received a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 2000 from the University of Naples Federico II. In 1997 and 1998 he was a visiting researcher at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and for several periods between
1998 and 2000 Visiting Researcher at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico, USA. He has spent long periods at research laboratories for controlled thermonuclear fusion, and particularly in Japan, Naka at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, and in England at the JET (Joint European Torus), where he was responsible for several experiments. Presently he is Full Professor of Automatic Control at the University of Naples Parthenope, where he is the Coordinator of the PhD program in “Information Engineering”.
His research is directed both to methodology issues, such as the study of stability and stabilization of uncertain systems, and to relevant applications, such as control of the plasma in machines for nuclear fusion and planning and tracking of trajectories for UAVs. His research activity is documented by more than 150 international publications, appeared as articles in international journals or conference proceedings. He is co-author of two monographs for Springer-Verlag (“Magnetic Control of Tokamak Plasmas”, and “Finite-Time Stability and Control”) and of the chapter on “Input-Output Stability” for the “Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering”.
Date: 26. 2.2016, 13.00
Venue: IJS