V okviru društva je bilo 28. 7. 2015 na Institutu Jožef Stefan organizirano predavanje Modelling of Fuel Cells – From Concepts to Applications, ki ga je pripravil dr. Cesare Pianese iz Univerze v Salermu, Italija.
Modelling of Fuel Cells – From Concepts to Applications
The recent advances in fuel cell technology have paved the way for a near future deployment of both Solid Oxide and PEM fuel cells for µ-CHP and automotive applications respectively. To guarantee the achievement of performance comparable to other energy conversion products improvements on diagnostic tools are required.
The seminar deals with the basic concepts of SOFC and PEMFC stack and balance of plant. Modelling approaches together with model-based diagnosis principles will be given. The results of the project D-CODE will be summarised to outline the on-board EIS-based diagnosis of PEMFC.
Short Bio
Cesare Pianese is Full Professor of Energy Conversion Systems and Internal Combustion Engines at the University of Salerno. He’s Mechanical Engineer (1987), holds a Research Master in Fluid Mechanics form von Karman Institute (1991) and a Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Naples “Federico II” (1992). Was researcher at Fiat Research Centre (1987/88) and at Istituto Motori of the National Research Council (1991/92), he joined UNISA in 1992. Cesare Pianese he’s currently Vice-President (Deputy) of the Board of the School of Engineering, Chairman of the SAENA Section and member of the Coordination Group of the Board of N.ERGHY. He has a wide experience in private and public funded (FP7 and H2020). He’s involved in international research with academic institutions and has authored/co-authored more than 140 papers on Fuel Cells, engines, hybrid powertrain, fluid-dynamics, modelling, control and diagnosis.
Date: 28. 7. 2015
Venue: Seminar room of E2, IJS